Sup Paddles
Model K3 - Blade 80

Blade size 80 sq.in
Full 3k Fiber Carbon
New Conical Shaft (fixed)
ABS EDGE - white color
Slim Blade
Light weight
Ergonomic Handle
Hydrodinamic design
Adjustable available with perfect locking!
New adjustable holder with single piece!

This is our tradicional model "K3", but now with the new size of blade 80sq.in. But now with a new technologies for the evolution of th K3 series... Shaft with new "conical structure" giving more flexibility and resistance to the paddle, new handle single piece for the adjustable model and perfect blade design for Surfing, but also for women's, childrens or for those who prefers smaller blades to light paddling.
Model K3 - Blade 95

Blade size 95 sq.in
Full 3k Fiber Carbon
New Conical Shaft (fixed)
ABS EDGE - Red color
Slim Blade
Light weight
Ergonomic Handle
Hydrodinamic design
Adjustable available with perfect locking!

This model "K3 - 95" is our top sales, for everyday usage and for everyone who wants to enjoy the paddling in ocean, lakes or rivers. The new technology of the shaft with "conical structure" bringing more flexibility and resistance to this unique design. The light weight and the comfortable ergonomic handles continues some of it's qualities.
New Model - [ PRO RACE ] - Blade 96

Blade size 96 sq.in
Full 3k Fiber Carbon
New Conical Shaft
ABS EDGE - Red color
Slim Blade
Light weight
Ergonomic Handle
Hydrodinamic design
Special for Race Competitions
Shaft Super flexible
Great rate paddling

This is our very new model of Paddle for Race Competition! Special blade design to provide light weight structure, faster paddling, shorter interval of paddling per minute and bigger flexibility of the conical shaft for better propulsion. Our professional team are using this model for long distance paddling and Race Sprint competitions.